All children who attended were presented with certificates from our two judges, Community Police Officers John Hill and Llinos Phillips, who had the very difficult task of judging the fancy dress competition. The PFA are always grateful for all the help they receive from volunteers, and would like to take this opportunity to thank them, and all who attended for their support.

Fantastic to see the blog setup, it's a great way to find out what has been happening - and what is coming up.
Well done to all involved.
Excellent news about the donation from the Town Council.
Great way for a Parent's Association to get news out to everyone. Well Done to all it's members.
We thoroughly enjoyed the Folly Farm trip. It was great to spend the day with the family. It was even better that the cost was so low!
Thank you
This site is fantastic for providing loads of great information about school related activities.
what a busy time the children are having.. the healthy month is really brilliant and being enjoyed by all the kids .....(and parents) walked behind a couple of kids after the belly dancing classes and was treated to an impromtu display worthy of Fame!!
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