Thursday, 19 March 2009

Walk To School with Safer Communities

On Thursday March 19th, we gathered outside Bethel Chapel for our Walk to School Event. We were joined by members of the Safer Communities Action Group, Community Police officers and Comminities First Develepment workers.

The Safer Communities Action Group had provided us with their new High visual safety vests, and the weather man had provided us with glorious sunshine!

The event took place to highlight road safety along the school route during the essential works being carried out to improve traffic around our school.

Thank you to everyone who came along, pupils, parents, teachers, Community Police Officers, Communities First Team and to the Safer Communities Action Group volunteers. Thank you also to Jelly Tots Nursery who kindly loaned us their walking rings whilst the Safer Communities action Group await delivery of theirs!

Waiting for everyone to arrive!
Members of the Safer Communities Action Group along with Community Police officers and pupils.
High ho! High ho! It's off to school we go.........

The walking rings helped to keep everyone together!

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Help! Storage space needed!!!

Hi everyone!

The parent's association have been extremely lucky over the last couple of years in acquiring funds to purchase new resources and equipment but are now in desperate need of somewhere to store it all.

We need somewhere local to the school and easily accesible. Big enough to store tables, gazebos, display boards, outdoor play equipment, summer fayre games, decorations, a sleigh and more!

Unfortunately, we are not in a position to pay, so are looking for a generous soul !

If anyone can help, please speak to either Joe or Becci outside school gates or contact us through this site.

Thank you.

Monday, 9 March 2009

Red Noses Galore!

Copperworks School PFA once again took the lead in obtaining Red Noses to sell at both Copperworks School and also for Bigyn School to sell.

We sold a fabulous 220 Red Noses and Bigyn a fantastic 260! Thank you to everyone who purchased a Red Nose to help raise money.

This year, we could chose what our fundraising efforts would be spent on, and so the money will be spent on helping families in Africa to afford schooling and education.

In addition to selling Red Noses, the pupils were invited to dress in their PJ's and bring in 1p's and 2p's to place on a giant Red Nose on the school yard. They raised a Super-duper £180!!! Well Done and Thank you.

Family Massage Classes

Our Family Massage Classes started on Monday March 2nd at 6.00 pm in CYCA.

Parent's, grandparent's and children aged from 2 - 14 yrs came along to learn a range of hands-on massage techniques (fully clothed), in a friendly, fun and social environment.

This course lasted 5 weeks and was funded through WCVA. We had a lot of fun learning the massage moves and had to make up a story using them on our last week. We are looking to run a similar course again in the future.

Thanks Debs!!